Thursday, March 18, 2010

I Destroy My Enemy by Making Him My Friend

By destroying enemies and making them as friends, we as a society can live in peace and thus there will be no conflict in the world at all. If everyone lived at peace, everyone would stay happy and some people can actually live a long life due to no conflict. By understanding the concepts of how peace works, everyone would be not fighting and not to live a wonderful life as a friend. Everyone has the right to live and to have a relaxing life as it should be ad not a life when there is people dying every 5 seconds. However due to the fact that there would be no conflict, there would be more people living in the world making it hard for the world to handle. However this will happen in a long time due to how the earth would construct and become a better world for the people to live in. By having no people fight, there would be less death in the world and less conflict however there would be a lot of poverty and the great renouncement of money that the people in the whole world would have to share the money.

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